Friday 2 November 2012

New research on Homeopathy - Nanoparticles

Even if we can't see it, there is 'substance' in Homeopathy!

So much has been thrown at Homeopathy in the last few years to try and discredit the treatment by the media. However the fact remains that an awful lot of people and animals get helped by Homeopathic treatment and can continue their lives without pain and discomfort, both physically and mentally. Just because we can't conventionally prove how Homeopathy works doesn't mean there is nothing to it.

Recently there has been research that shows that although there are no full particles of the active substance within Homeopathic remedies that there are things called 'nanoparticles'

What are Nanoparticles?

"Nanoparticles measure between 1 and 100 nanometers in diameter (for comparison a typical virus measures 10-150 nm in diameter). Their small size leads to a large surface
area to volume ratio, giving nanoparticles different properties from those of bulk forms of the same material. For example, otherwise unreactive gold becomes magnetic and a good catalyst for chemical reactions in it's nano-form. Both the size and shape (morphology) of nanoparticles determines their altered properties, including unique chemical, biological, optical, thermal, electrical, magnetic and quantum effects"

The theory is that the preparation of Homeopathic remedies reduces substances to nanoparticle size. To make a remedy the substance e.g plant, mineral etc is diluted in water, sucussed ( a process of vigourous shaking and banging which in Hahnemann's time was acheived by banging against a Bible) and then diluted 1/100. The process is repeated until the desired potency is achieved. Consequently none of the original substance is seemingly within the remedy.

To a Homeopath, the true nature of the substance is released within this process and can be used to treat a patient with dynamic effect

We have two Homeopaths at Abergavenny Natural Therapy Centre. Juliet Ablett and Charlotte Allen Both are fully registered.



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