Tuesday 13 November 2012

How exactly would we treat Bradley Wiggins?

As I expect you know poor Bradley Wiggins British Winner of the Tour De France and Gold Medal winner, got hit off his bike last week. We at the Abergavenny Natural Therapy Centre were thinking how exactly we would treat the injured elite sportsman after his fall?

First Aid

Well obviously we would do all the primary first aid things such as check airways, breathing etc and call for an ambulance. But just think of the other ways we could treat him with Alternative Medicine.
Our first port of call would be with Homeopathy. Most people think of Arnica in this situation. Arnica helps with injury and will treat the shock. Very often people who need Arnica will say that they are fine and that there is nothing wrong with them when there obviously is! If the patient is very fearful Aconite will be better at treating the shock.
Bradley suffered from cracked ribs as a result of his accident. There is not alot that can be done for this with conventional medicine, but after the first aid other Homeopathic remedies that could be given are Bellis Perenis for deep bruising and Symphytum (bone knit) . Homeopathy is available at ANTC. (More details on one of our therapists next week!)

Further Treatment

If Bradley would like to try other treatments then he could try Acupuncture. As well as being good for long term conditions Acupuncture is also good for pain relief and well draw the heat away from the inflammation. If you would like to try Acupuncture for pain relief then how about coming to the AAA (Abergavenny Affordable Acupuncture) Clinic on a Tuesday with Maxine Smillie.

Weight of the World

Well maybe 'Wiggo' is now feeling abit emotionally sore about the crash. The country is following the incident and maybe people have been put off cycling. Feelings of guilt, anger about getting hit off his bike and the frustration of not being able to train for a few weeks all add to his gloomy state. The national consciousness has been raised towards cycling this year, it is not the time for our hero to fall! Now would be a good time to talk to someone about these feelings. Talking can release tension resolve issues and help you move forward with your life. We have two excellent Counsellors at ANTC: Hilary Llewellyn-Williams and Michael Cooper. They have years of experience and will surely help Bradley through this tricky time.

Bones healing well but body still needs work

When you have a bad injury then the rest of your body has to compensate and do what the injured part cannot. This causes deferred pain, discomfort and mis-alignment. Here at the Abergavenny Natural Therapy Centre we have the people that will get Bradley back to full movement and comfort.
Sports Massage will release the tightness in the muscles allowing the body to function better, circulation to improve and mobility to increase. If Bradley's body is mis-aligned then McTimoney Chiropractic will hold the answer. Chiropractic treatment is simply a method of adjusting the bones of your body to improve skeletal alignment. In doing so, it helps your nervous system work more efficiently, relieves pain and discomfort and gets you moving again!

Back to Form!

So our Champ is all better. But has this incident dented his winning mentality? We hope not, but if it has then he should try some Solution Focused Hypnotherapy. This combines the powerful tool of Hypnosis with solution focused therapy. Deborah Harvey, our Therapist assists the client is discovering and utilising their own resources and abilities, creating the opportunity for positive change.

Becoming a Winner!

So Bradley is all back to form now. Maybe one day we will be able to help him in real-life! Here at the Abergavenny Natural Therapy Centre we can offer all sorts of treatment for all sorts of people. If you're not sure which treatment you need give us a ring and we can sort something out for you. Our friendly receptionist are always at hand for advice.

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