Friday 31 August 2012

"Food For The Soul"
A FREE Day of Talks and Tasters
 To Nourish the Soul
Sat 15th Sept 11am – 4pm
Talks, Tasters and Times:

11am - Nourish yourself & family with Homeopathy (45 mins)
Find out how you can use Homeopathic remedies on yourself and your family. Aches and pains, fevers, flu, menopausal symptoms, childhood illnesses and many other problems can all be effectively treated with Homeopathy.

11am - ‘Raw Chocolate Raw Food’ Demo and Taster! (45 mins)
Find out about raw chocolate and raw foods. Super nutritional energy food.
Nourish your body with tasty treats and better ways to absorb the vitamins and minerals you need.

12 noon - Baby Massage  (40 mins)
Bring your baby and learn the basics of Baby Massage. As well as promoting relaxation and bonding it also helps to alleviate the symptoms of baby colic, teething, wind and constipation.

12 noon – What’s eating you up? Acupuncture and the Menopause. (45 mins)
How can Acupuncture help us through the Menopause? Find out how the Menopause can be made  an easier transition to the next stage of life. Useful tips and methods to see the Menopause through to a new you.

1pm- Slow Food – A Taster session: Time, Food and Nourishing ourselves. (30mins)
A light-hearted experiential mini-session exploring the relationship between time and food. Tasters for your mouth and mind.

1pm – Story telling: The Story of the Lorax (30 mins)
Take the weight off your feet, relax and hear the story of the Lorax, how it’s meant to be heard. Suitable for all.

2pm- Down to the Bone (McTimoney Chiropractic) (40 mins)
The purpose of chiropractic care is to realign and rebalance your body to relieve pain and discomfort, and increase mobility. Sue Cartlidge will talk of and demonstrate her work.

3pm- Food Sensitivity (30 mins)
Unfortunately not all the foods we like are liked by our bodies. Find out more about food allergies and how they can be helped.

3 pm- Slow Food – A Taster session: Time, Food and Nourishing ourselves. . (30mins)
A light-hearted experiential mini-session exploring the relationship between time and food. Tasters for your mouth and mind.

All Day – 10 minute Stress Buster!
Back, neck and shoulder massage £5
With Peter Davies. Highly recommended. Pop in and 10 mins is all you need to release those tense muscles!


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