Thursday 26 May 2011

To treat or not to treat?
Recently a client came into the clinic with left-sided chest pains; she looks distinctly peaky, pale and sweaty, saying that she feels unwell - it must be the pain she says, and perhaps some bodywork would help relieve the pain and make her feel better.

Part of our skill and training as CAM practitioners is to know when the client is in the right place for treatment or whether they should be referred to their GP, or even to A & E.

In the above story, this lady was swiftly dispatched from the Natural Therapy Centre in an ambulance to A & E where she was eventually diagnosed with pneumonia - definitely not a chiropractic case then!!

Monday 7 February 2011

We are what we eat, it is said. And if you think about it in any depth, all the food that goes into our stomachs breaks down and eventually becomes part of the cells that make up our bodies, or it is passed on out as waste matter.

Here's a few ideas you might mull over before selecting your daily nosh:

  • Eat food....not too much, mostly plants.
  • Eat meals, not snacks.
  • Eat wild, if possible.
  • Avoid anything out of a packet, tin or plastic package, whose contents are unfamiliar, unpronounceable or more than five in number.
  • Would you great-grandmother recognise it as food? If so, it's probably OK for you!

Bon appetit!

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Open House 26 February 2011

Folk who find their way to the Centre often say "I didn't know you were there, all these years I've walked past your front door and never known about you."

So, this is my way of reaching out to let you know what we at the ANTC are about, and how we may be able to help.

We are having an "Open House" day on Saturday 26th February from 10.00am onwards.

Maxine Smillie, our Acupuncturist is giving a talk on the energy of Spring emerging from Winter......can acupuncture put a spring in our step?

There will be plenty of "taster" sessions of massage, Indian Head Massage and reflexology with our bodywork therapists Peter Davis, Sonia Hunt and Sarah Pitt.

My colleague Shanee Taylor and I will be offering free Spinal Checks....just how balanced are you?

And there will also be some workshops on Stress Management and Stress and Your Immune System with our Hypnotherapist, Yvonne Davies.

Sound interesting? Give us a buzz if you'd like to come to our Open House - drop into a workshop session or simply talk to one of us in complete confidence if there's a health problem that is stubbornly not resolving. We may be able to help. Join us for a cuppa - and what's more, we make great cakes!

Further details of workshop times, bookings, etc., call on 01873-858391