Tuesday 22 May 2012

Maxine's Baby Wall!

We love seeing these new little visitors to the clinic. The mothers have been frequent visitors to the clinic so it's great to see the fruits of  their hardwork and the help of Maxine's treatment.

Maxine trained in Acupuncture inthe UK and China and has continued to professionally develop. She has a special interest in Fertility and is affiliated to Zita West Fertility Network www.zitawest.com Maxine has experience of working with individuals and couples exploring their fertility and helping individuals put a ‘strategy’ in place to support their good health.

Maxine has ten years experience working with couples who are undertaking IVF, IVI, ICSI and IVM. Supporting couples throughout their treatment and process. Research in 2009 showed Acupuncture during the IVF process improves the chances of successful pregnancy by 65% (British Medical Journal Feb 2009)

Maxine works with women supporting them through pregnancy. Acupuncture can also be used safely to induce Labour.See more

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Healing our land, Healing Our Selves

'Healing our Land' Day

The Secret Forest, Stockwood Scowles. Opposite Clearwell Caves. Coleford, Glos GL16 8JR

Date: 9th June 2012

Time:10am – 5pm

Fee: £55

Drawing on Spiritual and Shamanic Practices of this land. The workshop will introduce you to:

• The Inner and Outer Secret Garden

• The World Tree, Yggdrasil

• Singing the Earth Meridian awake

• Focussing on the natural elements, seasons, animals and poetry in our landscape.

The day is facilitated by Maxine Smillie, Shamanic Healer and Acupuncturist. Her work draws on the principles of core Shamanism, a heart centred practice that can enrich lives.

Please contact Maxine 0784 593 3860 to book

Friday 4 May 2012

Abergavenny Natural Therapy Centre. Therapy days


McTimoney Chiropractic

Zero Balancing


McTimoney Chiropractic




Remedial Massage

McTimoney Chiropractic

Zero Balancing




Allergy Therapy






Sports Massage

Aromatherapy Massage

McTimoney Chiropractic


Remedial Massage



Sports Massage

Aromatherapy Massage



Tuesday 1 May 2012

A great Spring pick me up!

Time for a spring tonic of Nettle Soup!

Pick the tender young leaves, make sure you use gardening gloves!

Wash the leaves and gently cook in some butter with abit of garlic if you like, potato and stock. Liquidise when cooked.

The leaves of Nettle concentrate iron from the soil and can help in iron deficiency anaemia if the fresh leaves are made into a soup and eaten regularly. The high Vitamin C content of the plant helps the iron to be absorbed.

Lots of interesting facts about nettles here http://www.traditionalherbalist.com/Articles/nettle.html
